What's the best business to start? What do you know best? What do you really enjoy? If they're the same thing, you have a starting point.
Most profitable small businesses begin with an individual or group of individuals applying their skills and experience.
Best Business to Start
The best business to start is where your skills, experience and passions converge. You may have been thinking about getting into a business of your own for quite some time, but the decision to go into business shouldn't be taken lightly.
Most Profitable Small Businesses
Most profitable small businesses are those driven by passion. There's just too much work involved in any business to succeed without it. But how do you identify which of the things you enjoy might make you enough money to make them worthwhile as a business?
Best Small Business to Start
If you're looking for business suggestions, you're making a mistake. There are many people that would be happy to offer you an opportunity to make quick money, guaranteed money with simple cookie cutter formulas. Don't believe it for a minute. Unless it's a proven franchise and you already have financial and personnel management skills, you're much better off creating your own business. So, how to do that?
The best small business to start is the one you'll find when you chart your skills, your experience and your passion. It's a metric only you can weight.
As a starting point consider this simple exercise
Take a moment and list your skills. Beside them evaluate your level of competence: novice, experienced or expert. Then, beside that, on a scale of 1-10 fill in your passion - the reward practicing or applying that skill gives you.
Now take a moment and review your skills rated experienced to expert on the experience measure and over 5 on the passion measure.
Look for skills that complement each other. What sort of business would they lend themselves to?
What role would you play in the business?
Would your skill set provide you what it would take to head up the business yourself with the support of a few key consultants? Or perhaps you would be well served by having a partner?